A road not yet cut, let alone traveled

My career path has been anything but conventional

Hey, I'm Jim. I'm the founder of Outside ADHD. Diagnosed at fifty years old, I own two houses and am happily married with two children. Whenever I tried to 'fit in' and do what I was told in order to get along, I was told that security and success would come my way if I did what was asked, learn how to hold my tongue and 'act normal'. When I tried this approach I failed exquisitely.

Creative living was the key to my success

I love working, but having a job really has't been my thing. I retired from working a j.o.b. at the age of 22 and set out to live a life of adventure. Sure, I've had to have a few j.o.b.'s along the way, but for the most part, I've done things that have made people wince and think to themselves is this really the best way forward?

Though confounding to many, I've always found my way - found, created, hustled - managed. Things were dicy from time to time but I've managed to create a career and a life that I'm proud of.

You can do the same.

Since 1995 I've helped people imagine and enact new ways of being in the world while getting comfortable with being uncomfortable. I've been an arts educator, physical comedian, high end event DJ, Gestalt psychotherapist as well as working in career transition and vocational rehabilitation.

Over the course of my thirty year career, I've performed for thousands of people, hosted countless workshops while supporting hundreds of people through some of the most significant experiences of their lives.

My entire career has been built on sprints. Sprints and consistency work really well when it comes to minimizing ADHD symptoms. In fact, I've created a life so supportive of my wild wiring, that I didn't realize that I had ADHD until I was fifty. By that time, the weight of my impairments finally ground me down.

Now that I understand more about how my brain works I can be more compassionate with myself. Everything is easier. I wish I knew sooner.

I know this: When I spend time outside engaged in vigorous physical activity, life is better. It's that simple.Meds are essential for these days. Time in the woods is almost as important as my pill.

I started Outside ADHD to help young men launch with awareness and forge ahead on the great adventure of life.

Sessions are outside and active. Open spaces and vigorous physical activity decrease the impact of ADHD symptoms in men.

Our bushcraft based and permaculture influenced coaching experiences help you uncover more of who you are. After working with us, you'll know what works and what doesn't, what to do when things stop working and how to know it's happening.

We're here to launch you confidently into the unknown with the skills you'll need to respond to the challenges that come with creating a life less ordinary.